Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Draft Annotated Bibliography Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Draft Annotated Bibliography - Coursework Example Banks (2003) noted the difference between irrational or discriminatory and rational racial profiling, where the latter is based on actual criminal activities and reports. He focused on the campaign against racial profiling and noted injustice when minorities experience disadvantages because of racial profiling. The study is useful in showing that racial profiling can lead to discrimination but, in agreement to what he had said, eliminating it is not the solution to discrimination in the law enforcement system. Engel, R.S., Calnon, J.M., & Bernard. T.J. (2002). Theory and racial profiling: Shortcomings and future directions in research. Justice Quarterly, 9(2), 249-273. Retrieved from Engel, Calnon, and Bernard (2002) evaluated the research on racial profiling. They noted that, using data from traffic stops and arrests among other data sources, researchers believed that the police generally exhibited discrimination in racial profiling. Engel et al. (2002) asserted though that these studies usually had the flaw of having no guidance from a theoretical framework to support their conclusion that racial discrimination did happen. The study is important in underscoring the gap in literature for studies that can improve the theoretical foundation of racial and criminal profiling. Glover (2007) studied police opinions on racial profiling through an in-depth interview research method. She noted that police officers downplayed racism in racial profiling through emphasizing the spatial context of their criminal investigations. The article is important in emphasizing the need for gathering more qualitative information about the perceptions and experiences of the police regarding racial profiling and criminal profiling. Godwin, M. (2002). Reliability, validity, and utility of criminal profiling typologies. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 17(1), 1-18. Retrieved

Monday, October 28, 2019

Channels of Communication Essay Example for Free

Channels of Communication Essay Write when you want to: †¢Make sure there are no misunderstandings †¢Have constant reference to subject matter Writing is effective in communicating with any audience that is capable of reading and comprehending your compositions. If the person ever has a question regarding the subject, they can always refer to what is written. Make a presentation when you want to: †¢Give a more detailed description †¢Command the attention of an audience When making a presentation or presenting material to an audience, it is possible to give someone who may not fully understand your message solely from reading, a more broad perspective of the matter. Speak with an individual when you want to: †¢Earn a higher level respect and confidence from that individual †¢Create an atmosphere of mutual trust For myself, speaking with someone individually, is very effective in the sense of having one on one communication with that person ensures that there are little to no distractions.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Mafia: Wealth and Politics in the 1920 Essay -- Essays Papers

The Mafia: Wealth and Politics in the 1920 MAFIA - "a secret association having for its object the illicit control of any enterprise, legitimate or illegitimate, which it decides to infiltrate" (Allen 6). The decade of the 1920s was full of deception, corruption, and degeneration. The very embodiment of these qualities was the institution of the Italian-American Mafia. The syndicate began in Sicily and spread to encompass United States politics and the national economy. The post war era left the nation in a recession and vulnerable to organized crime. Changes in the country's attitudes and outlooks on the future paved the way for organized crime on a large scale. People were too preoccupied with bootleg booze, sexual promiscuity, and get-rich-quick schemes to notice the downward spiral of the government's respectability and integrity. The decadence of the decade and the feel good mentality of America's youth provided opportunities the industrious underworld leaders sought in order to gain control of the syndicate. The Mafia supplied America with the vices it longed for and in return America let the Mafia get away with murder. Not only did the syndicate accumulate power but a lso profited financially through prostitution, gambling, and bootlegging. These activities were the foundations of the Outfit's financial and political empires. Mafia power soon began to eclipse the authority of the law enforcement agencies, and the struggle between responsibility and autonomy began. Governmental corruption was a standard practice in the 1920s. In reference to a question on the underworld's power Don Calo, a Mafia chief replied, â€Å"†¦ between the law and the Mafia, the former is not the most to be feared† (... ...h (Allen 14). Many informants are willing to testify to a specific incident but not to the entirety. Their fear of retribution from the Outfit is much greater than their fear of the government. Even today, the only thing known with any degree of certainty is that the influence of the Mafia did not end with the 1920s. Works Cited - Allen, Edward J. Merchants of Menace-The Mafia: A Study of Organized Crime Springfield, Ill: Thomas, 1962. - Bequai, August. Organized Crime Washington: Library of Congress, 1979. - â€Å"Charles ‘Lucky’ Luciano.† (3-25-98). - â€Å"Contempt of Court.† Alphonse Capone, aka. Al, Scarface. (3-27-98). - Gardiner, John A. The Politics of Corruption New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1970.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Absolute Statement Fallacy

Reporter: Fuentes, Mary Rose S. 6. Confusion of Absolute Statement – this fallacy is committed when one argues from the truth of a general principle to the truth of specific case. The specific case may even be an exception the general law. Let us keep in mind, there are always exeptions to general principles. A universal principle is coined in view of normal and ordinary circumstances. But there may be exceptional conditions where the force of universal principle may be waived. Example: To kill is morally criminal. (universal law) But in self-defense, one may kill. (specific case)Therefore, self defense is morally criminal. The result is an invalid conclusion, rendering the argument fallacious. 7. Confusion of Qualified Statement – this fallacy consists in concluding from the truth of a proposition which is good only under certain circumstances of time, place, or condition to the truth of the same thing under all circumstances. Example: Some Catholics are bad. But Mary and Joseph are Catholics Therefore, Mary and Joseph are bad. In the example, it is true that â€Å"some Catholics are bad†. But from this premise, one cannot conclude rashly that Mary and Joseph are bad just because they are Catholics.They are not necessarily included in the â€Å"Some Catholics†. They can be out of that group. One cannot conclude a universal truth from a particular truth. Ther is confusion of qualified statement. 8. Arguing Beside the Point (Ignoratio Elenchi) – this fallacy is an argumentation that escapes the point of issue, and instead resorts to some kind of alibi to prove or disprove something. Actually it does not prove or disprove because the argument evades the question. It ignores the point of at issue, hence called â€Å"ignoratio elenchi†. This fallacy appears in different guises. a. Argument Ad Hominem (appeal to the individual) – the allacy evades the point of the issue and attacks the personality of the opponent. In truth, it is a biased argument, for it takes the character defects of the opponent instead of concentrating on the question. Example: The Igorots are not real Filipinos because they live in the mountains. The argument is false because living in the mountains is taken as a reason to conclude that â€Å"Igorots are not real Filipinos†. Regardless of the place of residence, whether mountains or plains, or even in seas, as long as it is part of the Philippine territory and that the resident was born here, the Igorots remain as true Filipinos. . Argument ad Populum (appeal to the people) – the fallacy employs an appeal to the passion of the people for their biased favors, evading the issue on question. Example: The husband of the candidate is related to the governor, so let us vote for her. In the example, you will notice that the motives of the campaigners and voters are out of the regionalistic feelings and pity, respectively. Reasoning is out of place here. Instead of fo cusing on the qualities and abilities of the candidate, the focus was on regionalism and compassion.The argument is fallacious in reasoning. c. Argumentum Ad Misericordiam (appeal to pity) – the fallacious argument puts aside reason and resorts to pleading for mercy and compassion, which is emotional in nature. Example: Let us give a passing grade to Pedro because he has one leg . The fallacious statement has pity as the motivating factors of the argument. d. Argument Ad Verecundiam (appeal to respect/authority) – the fallacy takes the status and the influence of the person as the point of argument putting aside the merit of the issue.Oftentimes the prestige and authority is invoked to justify or prove something. An element of paternalism is present. Example: Abortion is not immoral because the Secretary of Health says it so. The position of the health secretary is not outright moral guarantees to justify the immoral act of abortion. After all the health secretary is n ot an expert and authority in matters of morality. e. Argumentum Ad Baculum (appeal to might) – physical force and moral pressure are resorted to in the argument a means to attain an end, again deviating from the real issue.The point is to scare or force people to accept or be convinced. In this context, reason is out of place; hence, the argument is rendered fallacious. Example: I go to school because my parents will scold me. While the statement contains some moral truths, strictly speaking, the real moral issue is overshadowed or missed. Scolding or fear of being scolded should not be the priority motive for going to school. Personal growth, development, and improved quality of living should be the dominating motivations in going to school. Similar essay: Difference Between General Law and Special Law

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

About Yourself Essay

Q: Describe briefly your current job/most recent job responsibilities. State the knowledge and skills you have acquired from this experience A: My recent job assignment was in Testing domain of TAPAS Vodafone UK project. We have to test the codes of the development team to validate if the business and functional requirements are met. Our tasks inclued-; * Understand and analyse what are the expected outcomes from the interfaces of the Development team by going through the revelant documents and and with adequate discussion with the Dev team. * Based on the above, author the Test Cases and Test Scenarios for validating and testing the functional and business requirements of the project * On the technical front, we are expected to execute the shell scripts batches in Unix Environment to generate the data file which is to be checked from the back-end (Oracle 11g) With the help of SQL queries as well as from the front-end Oracle Retail Merchandising System (ORMS). * As our project mates were located in other parts of the Infosys Offices eg Bangalore, Hyderabad as well as onsite location London, we frequently (usually daily) needed to interact with peers and seniors to discuss the status and progress of the project along with the other issues faced by us, it helped me improve my verbal and no-verbal communication. * As part of testing, we have to raise the defects in an online Quality Control tool which was later assigned to the respective developer to fix the bug and many times we would find us in arguments and discussions with the respective devepoler, asserting and proving their points and stand which helped me in inculcating a healthy professional relation and to remain honest with my task and duty at the same time. * It also helped me in approaching and interacting with new people with the sound technical expertise and skills and put forward my ideas , opinions, doubts among my peers and seniors. Q: Describe briefly the most important situ ation in which you have demonstrated leadership skills during your professional career (not exceeding 250 words) See more:Â  The Story of an Hour Literary Analysis Essay Q: Describe briefly the most important situation in which you have demonstarted your ability to work in teams during your professional carees (not exceeding 250 words) A: Last month we, with the motive of improving the interaction among the floor-mates , we, a group of 12 persons of different projects and teams of the same floor planned,discussed and organised a event named L3 Trivia. We as volunteer and anchors, had the job of finding some unusual, interesting and little known facts about our floormates and frame these in a questionaire form to be found and answered by the randomly formed teams for which the team will be awarded marks. The teams had to work together and was asked to take signatures and click a pictures with the respective person to make it interesting and to ensure that everyone knows everyone else by his name and face. The other members of the organising team had to collect the crowd at one place and distribute the different coloured cards on the basis on which teams of 10-11 persons would be formed. As an anchor , we have to gather and handle the team with same coloured cards. We needed to coordinate the randomly formed teams, have a quick introduction with each-other and help them in picking a Team Lead. Apart from this, we had to hand them the Questionaire Sheet , explain them the rules of the games, clarify their doubts as well as encouraging them at the same time and evaluating their scores at the end. This event got amazing and overwhelming response from the floormates and everyone took out the time for this playful event. We, volunteers were not only appriciated by seniors and HR for our effotrs and hardship for managing,organising this event enjoyable and a hit but we also get to know new people and make friends and exhibit our managerial skills as well. Q: Why do you wish to go for a management career A: I always have an interminable dream to have my own business most preferably in online business where I can tap my technical skills of developing online applications. I believe that going for a Management Degree will be a wise idea for helping me in materialising my dream because it will not only help me understand the nitty-gritty of the business administration but will also provide me the the essential knowledge, idea, skills and techniques for management. The process of earning this degree will help me to think critically, deal with ambiguity and solve complex business scenarios through case study approach which requires us to evaluate business dilemmas and formulate the best plans of actions. Not only this, the environment there will motivate , develop and improve my soft courses in leadership, people skills and social interaction that can be a help in any walk of life. Before starting my own venture and entering into the business world , I would need a broad perspective of business world like how industry and business works and this degree will definitely give me an invaluable exposure to business concepts and development in functional areas. I think that this degree will help me in achieving an interesting and more responsible and influentional position. In addition, it will provide me the opportunity to meet new ,interesting, and important people and be challenged by peers and experts. That can help our career along. The MBA degree will prepare me to face the situations that can be faced in real life business scenarios, foster own personal growth, develop exciting career opportunities as well as networks. Q: What alternative careers are you considering and why? A: If I didn’t get the opportunity to persue MBA this year, I will continue my present job at Infosys as a engineer for few years to gather more sound technical knowledge and at the same time try to bring through capital for venturing my own start-up. Q: Describe your strengths/weaknesses as identified by you. A: My strengths can be listed as: * Disciplined and honest towards my duty * Ability to contribute positively as team player * Easily adopt to any environment * Self motivated and confidant My weaknesses can be listed as: * Inconsistent * Easily stressed * Have trouble in planning and prioritization Q: What is your most significant accomplishment so far A: I would recount one of my junior school incident in this case because I had a very positive influence of this incident in formative years at the school. Our school had an annual ceremony to elect the School Leader at both junior (1-6 class) and senior (7-10 class) sections. Teachers and sisters at our school used to assemble the entire junior/senior wing and the students were told to write the names of their candidates based on academics, sports, extra co-curricular activities etc. In a surprising outcome, out of 500 students from the entire junior wing, around 350 have voted in my favour. I was really thrilled to know this because I had never this idea or anticipation that my other classmates and juniors would know me, forget about being admired or revered!!! Although I have always been a good student and excelled in academics and few extra-co-curricular activities, I was also very garrulous, boisterous and a bit indiscplined, so being elected as a School Leader whose responsibility was to ensure discipline was difficult task. But I was really taken aback and amazed by this oucome and even I was not sure if I would be able to shoulder this responsibilty with honestly. This was the first time experience in my life that instilled me with a sense of responsibility.