Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Behavioral Patterns of Selected 4th Year Students in San Pedro High School

Bulacan State University College of Education City of Malolos, Bulacan. â€Å"Behavioral Patterns of Selected 4th year students in San Pedro High School† Submitted to: Violera Reyes, Ed. D. Submitted by : Glendys Orolfo Kenneth Pabilonia Naomi Palao Maricris Palo Rogelio Ramos Mary Grace Regalado Micha Joy Rejano Cayneth Reyes Milca Joyce Roque Renz Ruzzel Santiago Andrea Marie Santos Mary Jane Villanueva Rich Ann Winfield ABSTRACT This research paper identifies the behavioral patterns of selected high school students in San Pedro High School, Hagonoy, Bulacan. The first chapter presents a short introduction about adolescence. In their age, high school students were now entering the first stages of adolescence. The second chapter shows related theories about this study. The third chapter shows the method of research done in this study. The fourth chapter presents the data gathered from the respondents. Graphs were used to show the data in a logical and orderly manner. The fifth chapter attempts to conclude the study by telling the behavioral patterns discovered in the selected high school students. TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter I – Introduction Chapter II – Theoretical Framework Chapter III – Methods of Research Chapter IV – Interpretation and Analysis of Data Chapter V – Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation Curriculum Vitae CHAPTER I Introduction I. Introduction The social behavior of human changes as they enter adolescence. In humans adolescents typically increase the amount of time spent with their peers. Nearly eight hours are usually spent communicating with others, but eight percent of this time is spent talking to adults. Adolescents report that they are far happier spending time with similarly aged peers as compared to adult. Consequently conflict between adolescents and their parents increase at this time as adolescents strive to create a separation and sense of independence. These interactions are not always positive; peer pressure is very prevalent during adolescence, leading to increase cheating and misdemeanor or crime. According to Judith Rich Harri’s theory of group socialization, children and adolescent are shape more by their peers than their parents. Peers can encourage both pro-social behavior, which peeks at 11-12 years old or anti social behavior, which peaks at K1 -15 years. Adolescents are less likely to feel depressed or anxious if the peer group provides emotional support (Buhrmester, 1992). Arguments between parents and children increase considerably during adolescence (Feeney 1999). However adolescents with few or no closed friends are closer to their parents and are less likely to be subject to peer pressure. Non human mammals are also exhibit changes in social attitude during adolescence. Adolescent rodents have also been observed during this time of period . despites this social bonding between adolescents and adult tends to improve due to reconciliatory behavior. Allomaternal behavior increase among females in several species , including humans , nonhumans primates and rodents . However males tends to exhibit less interest in infant during adolescence. Adolescence can be specifically turbulent as well as a dynamic period of one’s life. It has been identified as a period in which young people develop abstract thinking abilities , become more aware of their sexuality , and increase their independence from parent. Stanley Hall denoted this period as one of â€Å"storm and stress† and according to him, conflict at this developmental stage is normal and not usual. Margaret Mead on the other hand, attributed the behavior of adolescents to their culture and upbringing , as the majority of problems associated with adolescence in western society are not present in other cultures. Several development stage models, have placed in a period of human developments. Sigmeund Freud saw it as the â€Å"genital phase† of psychosexual developments, where the child recapture the sexual awareness of infancy. Jean Piaget focused on cognitive development, seeing adolescence as the â€Å"formal operative stage† where the young person develops the ability to think abstractly and draw conclusions from the information available, your theory of psychosocial development identified the identity crisis as central to the notion of adolescence. Adolescent addresses the issues associated with adolescent such as whether or not the aforementioned â€Å"storm and stress† is a normal part of this period. The American psychological Association has a separate division dedicated to adolescence, and the psychologist specializing in the topic attempt to answer questions dealing with the age group. One issue is adolescent psychology discusses whether adolescence is in fact a discrete developmental period a point along the continuum of human development, or a social construction. II. Statement of the Problem This research paper attempts to answer the following question: 1. What are the behavioral pattern manifested by selected students in San Pedro High School? III. Background of the Study San Pedro High School is a public school located in Hagonoy, Bulacan. It is led by Principal Rosario L. Tamayo. The school has approximately 3000 students and 58 teachers. The researchers chose it because some of them have graduated there. Only 56 students were chosen as respondents. IV. Significance of the Study For parents: Because of the growing number of teenagers that was not focus on their study this research will help the parents to know on how they will treat their son/daughter and how they should support them. This will also inform the parents on what behaviors of their child possess during the class. They will be aware on the attitudes of their son/ daughter inside the classroom, how they child interact to their classmates and at the same time to their teachers. This will help the parents to know what the techniques are and practices they should be done to their child for them become a good citizen in the future. For teachers: Some teachers didn’t understand the situations of their students in some instances. For example, during the exam one of the students is using a kodigo. The teacher got angry and shouts to the student during the exam without knowing the reason why he’s doing that thing. Maybe, before the teacher scolds the student he should warn it first and after the exam asks why he did it. Then, he will know that his student is a working student and he didn’t have enough time to review. So, this study helps the teachers on how they should treat their students and how they react on the behaviors of their students. As we all know the teachers are the second parents of the child. They should love and care to their students as if their own child. For students: Teenagers were not aware on their behaviors inside the classroom. Teenagers also didn’t know their real personality. Many of them asking what are they real attitudes and characteristics, what attitudes they have and what are the moods they have. This study is design to the students for them to be aware on their attitudes inside the classroom. This will help the teenagers to be aware and to open their eyes in the things they should be done to help our country. This will also help them to see the hardship of their parents just to make them finish their study, the sacrifices of their parents to support them and how their parents make the night become day just to ensure their future and to give all their needs. CHAPTER II Theoretical Framework Social cognitive theory, used in psychology, education, and communication, posits that portions of an individual's knowledge acquisition can be directly related to  observing  others within the context of social interactions, experiences, and outside media influences. Social cognitive theory is a  learning theory  based on the ideas that people learn by watching what others do and will not do, these processes are central to understanding personality. While social cognitists agree that there is a fair amount of influence on development generated by learned behavior displayed in the environment in which one grows up, they believe that the individual person (and therefore cognition) is just as important in determining moral development. People learn by observing others, with the environment, behavior, and cognition all as the chief factors in influencing development. These three factors are not static or independent; rather, they are all reciprocal. For example, each behavior witnessed can change a person's way of thinking (cognition). Similarly, the environment one is raised in may influence later behaviors, just as a father's mindset (also cognition) will determine the environment in which his children are raised. Albert Bandura also stressed that the easiest way to display moral development would be via the consideration of multiple factors, be they social, cognitive, or environmental. 2]  The relationship between the aforementioned three factors provides even more insight into the complex concept that is morality. Further development in social cognitive theory posits that learning will most likely occur if there is a close identification between the observer and the model and if the observer also has a good deal of  self-efficacy. Self-efficacy beliefs function as an important set of proximal determinants of human motivation, affect, and action which operate on action through motivational, cognitive, and affective intervening processes. Identification allows the observer to feel a one-to-one connection with the individual being imitated and will be more likely to achieve those imitations if the observer feels that they have the ability to follow through with the imitated action. Vicarious learning, or the process of learning from other people's behavior, is a central idea of social cognitive theory and self-efficacy. This idea asserts that individuals can witness observed behaviors of others and then reproduce the same actions. As a result of this, individuals refrain from making mistakes and can perform behaviors better if they see individuals complete them successfully. Vicarious learning is a part of social modeling which is one of the four means to increase self-efficacy. Social modeling refers not just observing behavior but also receiving instruction and guidance of how to complete a behavior. The other three methods include, mastery experience, improving physical and emotional states and verbal persuasion. Mastery experience is a process in which the therapist or interventionist facilitates the success of an individual by achieving simple incremental goals. With the achievement of simple tasks, more complex objectives are introduced. The person essentially masters a behavior step by step. Improving physical and emotional states refers to ensuring a person is rested and relaxed prior to attempting a new behavior. The less relaxed, the less patient, the more likely the goal behavior will not be attained. Finally, verbal persuasion is providing encouragement for a person to complete a task or achieve a certain behavior. CHAPTER III Methods of Research This chapter discusses the procedures to be done by the researchers to attain their needed data. This includes the methods and techniques of the study, population of the study, research instrument and data gathering procedure. Methods and Techniques of the Study The type of research conducted in this study is the Descriptive Research. It includes surveys and fact-find enquiries of the different kinds that will be distributed to the respondents. It may also be called ex post facto research because the researchers have no control over the variables. The variables given is not manipulated by the researchers but were given by the respondents. These variables were treated with importance and care so as not to deviate the data from reality. Population of the Study The researchers chose a section in the Fourth Year level at [†¦] with 56 students. The study is all about behavioral patterns so the researchers only one section so as they can focus on only one set of students. Research Instrument The primary tool used to conduct this research is a questionnaire. Simplified questions were addressed to the respondents. Close-ended type of questions was used in the questionnaires to help the respondents answer easily. Choices were given and the respondent must answer the question by ticking the box corresponding to the answer they selected. If their answer was not given in the set of choices, there is an underline in the bottom of every set of choices where they can write their answer. Data Gathering Procedure The first step done by the researchers is to select the school were they will conduct the study. After selecting the school, they have written a letter asking permission to conduct the study that was given to the principal. The school chosen was the alma mater of a couple of the researchers so we it was an advantage because they already know the surroundings of the institution, its faculty, its atmosphere, and the kind of students studying there. Choosing the respondents was the next step. The researchers selected a section of fourth year high schools. The researcher approached and visited them personally so they can introduce themselves. This was done during the time period of the respondents. After explain the purpose of the study, the researchers distributed photocopied questionnaires to respondents. All respondents were assured that their response will be appreciated and treated confidentially. CHAPTER IV Interpretation of Data The data gathered from the answered questionnaires were presented in this chapater with corresponding graphs. I. Age 14% of the boy respondents are 15 years old while 11% of them are 16 years old. Only 7% of them are 17 years old. This shows that most of the boy respondents are at age of 15. 45 % of the girls are 15 years old, 20% are 16 years old and 9% of them are 17 years old. Age: 60 50 40 No. of respondents 30 20 10 0 1516 17 II. Family Background Most of the boy respondents are living with both their parents, 9% of them are living with their mother only while 5% are living with their father only. 54% of the girl respondents are living with both their parents while 4% of them are living with their mother only and 5% are living with their father only. 60 50 40 30 20 10 Others Living with father, without mother Living with mother, without father Living with both parents 0 III. Religion Most of the boy respondents are Catholic, being 29% of them. Only 2% of them are Iglesia ni Cristo. No other boy answered another religion. 54% of the girl respondent is Catholic while 7% of them is Iglesia ni Cristo. 7% answered the â€Å"others† options. 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 CatholicIglesiaMuslim Protestant Others IV. Nature of Work 2% of the boy respondents have parents working in the government, 4% have vendor parents, 5% are have tricycle drivers as parents, 4% have OFW parents, and 13% answered the â€Å"others† option. In the girls, 7% have government employees as parents, 2% of them have vendor parents, 7% of them are tricycle drivers, 5% of them have parents working in abroad, 2% are housekeeper and 43% answered the â€Å"others† option. 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Government Vendors Tricycle drivers OFW’s House Helper CHAPTER V Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation I. Summary This study aims to discover the behavioral pattern of selected 4th year students in San Pedro High School located in Hagonoy, Bulacan. 6 respondents were chosen to included in the study. Questionnaires were given to these respondents for them to answer. After they have completed the questionnaires, the researchers assessed the answers of the respondents. Behavioral patterns were then identified from the given information including their sex, family background, socioeconomic status and religion. Also, careful observation were done by the researchers to these respondents to identify what are their behaviors. References such as research papers, books and journals were used to further strengthen this study. II. Conclusion By assessing the completed questionnaires of the respondents, we were able to identify their behavioral patterns. * The respondents turned out to be responsible. They are doing their duties and responsibilities as students. They are concerned about their studies and they are willing to exert time and effort in it. * The respondents were cooperative with their classmates. It means that when group activities were being done, they are willing to cooperate with each other. * The respondents interact with their peers and teachers. They socialize with their same age group and form friendships. They also interact with their teachers to have a harmonious relationship. They are sociable, easy to approach, and open with others. * The respondents care with others. They are not selfish. They feel the feeling of others. * The respondents are not troublesome. They are not aggressive like most high school students nowadays. They act in a civilized manner. They do not fight in the classroom or within the campus grounds. They obey simple rules and are much willing to not break them. All in all, the behavioral patterns manifested in the selected 4th year students in San Pedro High School were positive. III. Recommendation Both parents and educators must respond to classroom behavioral patterns to ensure the healthy development of the students. The researchers present these recommendations to the teachers and parents. To the teachers: The teachers must develop the good behavioral patterns of the students. He is the leader of his students. He is the one who knows what his student needs, and more importantly, what is the problem of his student in school. He must address to these problems because these problems may interfere with the social and emotional development of the student. He must be open to his students and be guidance councilor and adviser to them. Any negative behavioral pattern that are arising must be stopped immediately because it may hamper both the emotional and educational development of the student. To the parents: Parents play a big role in the development of their child. They must guide their child in their social, emotional and mental development. Any negative behaviors they manifest in home must be looked upon immediately because it may also manifest in school.

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