Friday, December 27, 2019

The Image Of Nursing - 1280 Words

The Image of Nursing Nurses has created a particular image on society and within their profession realm, that depicts them as quite a unique individual, specializing in delivery of quality, compassionate and caring care that is so unique in a meaningful way. With the media involved, the images, both reflect and reinforce the social aspect of nursing throughout the continuum of care. This essay will seek to explore common and complexed images of nursing and tell a story of how those images can play a part in the reflecting and the various status of the nursing we know today. Images left on our patients In the hospital settings, patients see the nurse as that caring person who sits and hold that baby in a cradling position as if they were†¦show more content†¦The media did not do any justice in depicting stories about the values of the nurse, yet alone the integrity, until the CAN ( The Center of nursing advocacy, 2007) decided to enlist a program where nurses were honored and rewarded for outstanding achievement in care. From the advent of the introduction of improved curriculum to now include the highest level of achievement for nursing, the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), where nurses can not only write prescriptions and treat independently, but can advance to research, enabling better evidence based practices (Andrews l. D., 2007). The patients appears, from various studies, to be more apt to follow instructions from the nurse over the doctor, as they see the nurse as giving a more personalized treatment, and a working relationship, exten ds far out from being a patient in the hospital, to home care services where they are happy to receive quality care in the comfort of their own home. The Friendly Face of Nursing Although, today, there are many male nurses, the overwhelming site of a nurse, is that smiling female who seems to care so much about your comfort. The friendliness in which she asks â€Å"how are you today Ms Job†? The peace of mind seen on the patient’s face, tells that the joy of that closeness has certainly formed a bond (Johnson Johnson, 2007). The nurse in the home care setting, becomes more personalized; the patient sees him/her onShow MoreRelatedNursing Image and Media1449 Words   |  6 PagesNursing the Silent Profession and Media’s influence The nursing image has become a major issue in the society as people have different perception about nursing. Some believe that nurses do their duties out of kindness. This has influenced the nursing image as most people do not see nursing as a good profession. Only few people in the society see nursing as an important profession and consider the qualification of the nurses (Younge amp; Niekerk, 2004). This has led to shortage of nurses in theRead MoreThe Image of Nursing Essay1614 Words   |  7 PagesNursing is basically a scientific profession with a widespread vision, where nurses care for the physical needs of the people at the same time satisfies their emotional, psychological, and intellectual as well as social and spiritual demands. These Nurses though get professional training but apart from professional training and experiences, a good nurse possess high humanistic quality and has in depth understanding of not only the psychology of her/his patients but also proves to be ve ry soft andRead MoreThe Negative Images Of Nursing967 Words   |  4 Pagesspaghetti arms. In the article â€Å"The Negative Images of Nursing †¦Ã¢â‚¬  by Jacquelyn Bishop. She discusses all of these topics from comparing the televised aspect of nursing to the real life thing. In Meet the Parents starring Ben Stiller as a male nurse. In one scene Ben walks into the kitchen and is meeting the family of his girlfriend, Pam. Pam introduces her sister’s fiancà ©, who is a M.D, and his father who is a Plastic Surgeon. When Ben tells them he is in nursing, they start laughing and say â€Å"No, reallyRead MoreImage Of Nursing : A Look At An Historical Image987 Words   |  4 PagesThe field of nursing encompasses a vast array of knowledge, skills, and professionalism. However, often times the image of nursing does not mirror these things. What is image? Many individuals may answer this question differently depending on their age, personal experiences, and exposure to media. The image of nursing is the overall idea, perception, or belief of what nursing is. Image is an important factor in nursing, as a false image may discredit the true heart of nursing, leading to misconceptionsRead MoreThe Image Of Nursing As A Profession936 Words   |  4 Pages Image of Nursing Nursing as a profession is often portrayed by the media in demeaning ways. â€Å"Nurses have often been unfairly and unrealistically portrayed as â€Å"battle axes† or psychologically compromised. And that’s if they are written into the script at all.† (Berkowitz, 2014). â€Å"They are often portrayed as physician helpers, not the highly skilled independent clinicians that we know they are.† (Berkowitz, 2014). Media Portrayal The example of media portrayal that I chose to analyze and discuss showsRead MoreThe Image of Nursing Essay1107 Words   |  5 PagesThroughout time the world’s image on Nursing has evolved rapidly. Nurses work in an extremely stressful environment and must carry out their duties in a professional manner to ensure proper procedures are followed throughout their routines. They also have a considerable amount of responsibility that comes with their career. For those reasons nurses must present themselves in a professional and structured manner at all times. The Image of Nursing describes how people in and out of the profession seeRead MoreThe Professional Image Of Nursing2443 Words   |  10 PagesThe professional image of nursing does not have a very glamorous history. The subservient, handmaiden to the physician stereotype that has historically been accepted is still widely accepted by the general population today. Efforts have been made to show nursing practice as an indepe ndent profession of its own, but much work still needs to be done (Catalano, 2015, p. 9). This paper will serve to show how nursing is portrayed by the media, and accepted by the public; it will also highlight ways inRead MoreImage and Voice of Nursing 1895 Words   |  8 PagesThe nursing profession is one of many portrayed by the media. In its simplest form media is how information is shared and stored. Media covers a wide range of services, advertisements, brochures, pamphlets, TV shows, films, novels, and magazines, digital, electronic, it goes on and on. Media is more accessible these days; the internet and wireless technology makes it easy for many people to access information on a wide scale. As information is shared by the media the public creates an image. ThisRead MoreA Brief Note On The Image Of Nursing961 Words   |  4 PagesImage of Nursing The image of nursing is portrayed in several ways with all different types of media. One of the longest-running and most popular medical drama television shows, Grey’s Anatomy, appears to offer an accurate interpretation of the profession of nursing. However, the fictional show, created by Shonda Rimes, actually degrades nursing along unrealistic practices and representations. The show gives an impression to the viewers that doctors do it all, the physicians control nurses, andRead MoreImages Of The Virgin Mary Nursing Christ950 Words   |  4 Pages1. What was the original function and significance of images of the Virgin Mary nursing Christ (called Virgo Lactans, or Madonna del Latte)? Images of the Virgin Mary nursing Christ were originally intended not as pornography, but as visuals that depicted the nourishment of a child. The social setting of when these images emerge helps explain why these images of exposed breasts were perceived as tolerable. During the mid-fourteenth century Europe experienced a severe food crisis. With the fertilities

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Descartes Meditations On First Philosophy Essay

In Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy, Descartes begins a quest into his own mind and existence by putting all of his beliefs up for questioning in order to determine what can be certain and what can be doubted. He realized that he was able to doubt if he had a body in instances of dreaming or of illusions. But, he was unable to doubt the fact that he had a mind because the mind is the â€Å"the thinking thing† that processes all the doubts of his existence. Descartes’ mechanism into figuring out the truth is to doubt everything. Descartes argues that the mind and the body are completely separate entities because of the minds capability to exist on its own. Despite the fact that his argument is well assembled and explained, there are a few doubts and situations which make it unclear as to whether the mind really has a purpose without the body. The dualism of the mind and the body is explained and argued in Mediation VI: â€Å"I am merely a thinking thing and not an extended thing, and because on the other hand I have a distinct idea of a body, insofar as it is merely an extended thing and not a thinking thing, it is certain that I am really distinct from my body and can exist without it.† (AT 78). Our capability to understand certain things without the influence of the other is evidence that it is possible for our thoughts to be independent and uninfluenced. Descartes explains how all the things we clearly and distinctly understand must be made by God. God allows our mindsShow MoreRelatedDescartes Meditations On First Philosophy807 Words   |  4 PagesConner Ruhl Professor Copley Philosophy 1000C 4 May 2015 Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy Rene Descartes was the first great philosopher of the modern era, He had a new approach which was focused on scientific and mathematical truths. Descartes came to reject the scholastic tradition, one of which he was educated, due to his pursuit of mathematical and scientific truth. Much of Descartes work was done to secure advancement of human knowledge through the use of the natural sciencesRead MoreDescartes Meditations On First Philosophy1079 Words   |  5 PagesThroughout Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy, Descartes argues for the ideas and philosophical beliefs behind skepticism. In his writings, he describes the fallibility and importance of the body of man and through extension the senses with which we observe the world. This paper will first show that within Descartes’ writings the body is an extension of the mind. Secondly, this paper will prove that the senses are a false form of understanding which leads to the deception of the mind. FinallyR ead MoreDescartes Meditations On First Philosophy1318 Words   |  6 PagesPhilosophical Questions November 2, 2017 Cogito Ergo Sum Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy and his questioning of our existence in reality is a question which philosophers have tackled throughout time. Cogito ergo sum or I think therefore I am, a phrase brought about by Descartes is the backbone of his whole philosophy of our existence in reality. As long as we are thinking things, we exist. When we look at this approach to our existence we must first deny that any sensory data that we receive is believableRead MoreDescartes Meditations Of First Philosophy857 Words   |  4 PagesChristopher Joao Philosophy- 201 Mr. Jurkiewicz 4 March 2016 Descartes’ - Meditation #2 Rene Descartes was a French philosopher born in 1596. He is considered by many the father of modern philosophy and continues to have tremendous influence in the philosophical world to this day. The book, Meditations of First Philosophy, consist of six meditations and describes one meditation per day for six days. In meditation two, he claims that we have better knowledge of our own minds than of the physicalRead MoreDescartes Meditations On First Philosophy1264 Words   |  6 PagesDescartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy is a first-person record of Descartes’ descent into the bowels of disbelief, in order to eradicate all flawed belief from his life. In his first meditation, Descartes explains his argument for universal doubt, which leads him to doubt every truth he has ever established. Even the veracity of his sense perception is doubtful, as he renders those perceptions useless by arguing that in dreams, sense perceptions create the wildest of fantasies that can not beRead MoreDescartes Meditations On First Philosophy1712 Words   |  7 PagesDescartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy (1641) contains six Meditations. In the first two of these Descartes addresses doubt and certainty. By the end of the second Meditation Descartes establishes the possibility of certainty by concluding that he is a â€Å"thinking thing† and that this is beyond doubt. Having established the possibility of certainty, Descartes attempts to prove the existence of God. The argument he presents in the Third Meditation for the existence of God has been nicknamed theRead MoreDescartes Meditations On First Philosophy1536 Words   |  7 Pagesdid I formerly think I was? A man, of course. But what is a man?† (Descartes 340). This question that Descartes addresses in Meditations on First Philosophy is important because it outlines his core philosophical view in his work. His philosophy primarily focuses on dualism, which is the concept that there is another world that exists with ideal forms and is separate from the world of perception. The part of dualism that Descartes focuses his work on is the distinction between the soul and the bodyRead MoreDescartes Meditations On First Philosophy1080 Words   |  5 PagesRene Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy, God is not mentioned until the third meditation. Descartes point of view on God simply claims his existence through the act of being. According to his claim, God must, essentially, exist as well as being an outcome of His own creation. Descartes was greatly interested in the idea that God’s being promoted an external force that controlled all beings that supported his presence. Descartes declarations, presented in his Meditations on First PhilosophyRead MoreDescartes Meditation On First Philosophy943 Words   |  4 Pages In the third meditation of Descartes Meditation on First Philosophy, Descartes argues that his idea of God must have come from God himself. One can also wonder whether that very own argument could also apply when Descartes has an idea of the Evil Demon. In this paper, I will argue that Descartes would not think that his having an idea of the Evil Demon proves that the Evil Demon exists. In his paper, Descartes was trying to find the source of his idea of God in order to prove that GodRead MoreDescartes Meditations On First Philosophy1961 Words   |  8 PagesIn Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy, I will be considering if Descartes resolution to the â€Å"dreaming argument† seems acceptable to trust. The First Meditation is where the â€Å"dreaming argument† is first mentioned and then gets resolved later in the Sixth Meditation and the Objections and Replies. I will be touching on the idea that our experiences could be dreaming experiences based on personal experiences and thoughts I have had regarding this topic. Then I will go on to explain how it is

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Employee Motivation and Retention Engagement †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Employee Motivation and Retention Engagement. Answer: Introduction Employee motivation and retention is one of the critical aspects of the human resource that must be considered for the effectiveness of workers. It entails putting in place strategies that are likely to improve the worker's desire and morale to work for the company. The strategies also help the employees to increase their desire and willingness to continue working for the company. Failure to consider the motivation and retention strategy makes the company lose the maximum productivity of the workers. Besides, it makes it difficult for organizations to retain the best skill and talent in the market. This is critical and helps the organizations to gain a competitive advantage over other players in the industry (Srivastava Shailesh, 2008). Currently, most companies are making efforts to adopt the best strategies that motivate and retain the employees. There are various approaches that have been used to motivate the employees as the way to yield the best out of the available labour. The strategies revolve around their remuneration to ensure that they are well compensated and improved communication system to reduce the misunderstandings that may arise from the communication discordance due to a poor method of communication. Besides, companies are employing other strategies such training and performance appraisal system. These approaches are essential in promoting the motivation of the employees and their retention to work for the organization for a longer period (Khanna, 2008). It is vital for organizations to understand the value that comes out of the motivated workers. Some organizations fail when they view motivation strategies as the imposed unnecessary cost to the organization. Motivation strategies are not necessarily expensive, and thus, all organizations need to embrace it. In this case study, Microsoft Corporation had a good history of good relations with the employees, however, at one point the company introduced cost-cutting measures which made radical changes to the employee motivation and retention activities that had been in place for the previous years. The changes brought about many issues regarding the employee motivation. This necessitated a later human resource transformation to improve the employee motivation and retention. The Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation (Microsoft) is a technology company that was formed in 1975 by William Gates and Paul Allen. The company has grown over time and is now multinational serving clients from in almost all countries of the world. During this year, the company developed the first programming language called Altair Basic which was an improvement of BASIC programming language. The language got familiarity over time and later became a standard programming language used in almost all the computers on the planet. Later in 1977, Microsoft embarked on selling FORTRAN and 1978, it sold COBOL. In the same year, 1978, the company got a chance to develop a version of BASIC for the 8086 processor after the Intel Corporation came up with a new 16-bit microprocessor (Foley, 2008). Microsoft got a significant breakthrough in the year 1980 when it got a contract with IBM to develop an operating system that IBM was about to launch to the market. Microsoft developed Q_DOS which was used in the IBM computers. The Q_DOS was later renamed to MS-DOS. This made Microsoft achieve a greater step and later specialized in the provision of the operating systems. Since then the organization has grown and released many other operating system products that serve the entire globe. It later produced the windows operating systems, providing a graphical interface for the users, which now has a substantial market share in the industry (Angelo Ricky, 2009). The growth in Microsoft reveals the strong organizational skills that the company has had through its CEO Bill Gates. The organization made a good team that delivered timely quality software products. Besides, Microsoft had an excellent organization culture that motivated the employees to deliver the best. These attributes have made the organization to stay on top of other players in the technology industry and has now remained to be the industry leader in producing the operating systems. These factors helped to get the best out of the employees through their increased performance. This, in turn, helped to improve the profitability and sustainability of the organization (Bhatnagar, 2007). Employee Motivation and Retention at Microsoft Microsoft has been known for a long period in the industry to be among the best companies that embrace the best employee motivation and retention strategies in the market. The company is known to have a strong organizational culture that attracts and retain the best talents in the market. This was among the key drivers of the success of Microsoft in the industry. Motivated employees are productive, and this directly translates to better quality and profit margins to the organization which in turn gives the company a greater competitive advantage (ACAS, 2010). The employee motivation and retention culture continued until the late 1900s when the company stated experiencing key human resource issues that affected the company in many different ways. The experts argued that the issues happened at Microsoft were mostly attributed to the fact that the company had grown and achieved more and thus forgot about the organizational culture that has been guiding it. The company had initially been active in embracing its culture that advocated and focused on various important issues. These factors included the challenging working environment, the risk-taking culture and embracing the innovative culture. The organizations ignorance of the important HR aspects in the system led to frustrations of the employees in many different ways (Berger, 2009). In the year 1999, Microsofts management decided to make a restructure in the HR practices. The company focused on bringing about changes in the HR with a vision of improving the profitability of the organization by removing some of the programs that the company believed that they should cut down the cost which will, in turn, increase the organization's profitability. Most of these programs had a negative impact on the employee motivation and thus hampered with their welfare. These factors had negative impacts on the workers whereby it reduced their motivation which in turn brought about more different issues in the organization (Gerhart, 2007). Employee Motivation and Retention Issues at Microsoft Some employees of Microsoft experienced discrimination at the workplace. There are some African American employees were discriminated in various ways which even made them file a case in court. The case brought it out clearly that these workers were discriminated along different lines such as performance evaluation methods whereby they could not getter a higher rating during performance evaluation. They were also rejected to more top offices in the organization due to discrimination in promotions. Besides, there were many cases where the Blacks got unfair terminations of their jobs, unlike other employees. Additionally, they also felt discriminations in the compensation terms, and they argued that they were denied bonuses and other benefits that others got. The discrimination case raised the eyebrows of the organizations management, especially to the outside market. The management argued that the company policies advocates for a 100% non-tolerance of racial discrimination. Therefore, this shows that in as much as the company had the policies in place to eliminate the discrimination issues, it had not adhered to it. Therefore, this bought it out clearly that this HR issue happened just because the company was reluctant to enforce its policy. It already had the laws in place but did not enforce them. Besides, some other groups of people also complained about the description. For example, the contractual employees also complained about the discrimination in a company such as failure to receive training unlike other employees (Griffin, Neal Parker, 2007). Microsoft has a history of being tough and strict to its employees. Microsoft faced the issue of the tough leadership which was also too strict in everything that the workers did. They were encouraged to work hard and give their best in the company. The company had an organizational culture for perfection which has been helping to achieve more. However, for the aspect of rough leadership brings about employee related issues. When the employees were subjected to strictness, such as the strict timelines and perfection, it needed a better leadership. Rough management team brought about a lot of pressure to the workers and since they were forced to deliver under bad rough leadership. The company lost direction in the aspect of taking risks. The company no longer accommodated employee mistakes and everybody was to avoid all kind of errors that might be committed in the workplace. The employees were forced to be accountable for their actions to negative issues in the company. Every worker was liable to their mistakes that might have been committed during working. They were expected to give explanations of errors that they happen at the work place during the process of undertaking the duty and in some cases even pay for them. Such an environment made the employees fear to do activities that might impact any form of negativity to the organization. Thus, the workers reduced their innovative culture due to the fear of the risks associated with trying out things. Therefore, this lowered the productivity of the workers in the company (Wood Menezes, 2011). Management and Bureaucracy Microsoft started as a small company and was doing well with the existing management structure. This was because the management system was able to accommodate its small business. As time went by, the organization started expanding to reach various nations around the globe. The aspect of growth necessitated the entrance of new people into the management team. The new people included the managers that have been appointed d top fill the gaps that exist in the organizations. Since the company was still the market leader through it perfection culture, it gave little regard to the implications or the impact of its expansion (Gerhart, 2007). Failure to review the management structure led to increased bureaucracy in the management system of the company and this had a negative impact on the organizations performance. This made it difficult for the junior employees to be heard and most often they were disregarded. Besides, making a small change in the operations required approval level which discouraged most of the employees in airing their grievances. Managing the grown population of diverse characteristics made it necessary for the management to make it efficient reduce bureaucracy in the systems (Cosack, Guthridge Lawson, 2010). Microsoft led the technological market for an extended period. Through its perfection culture, the company was able to produce the quality and timely products that satisfied their customers. The culture gave the company a bigger competitive advantage over other industry players (Cook, 2007). When the company remained at the top, it became reluctant and believed that everything was done right there. Thus, the lack of competition affected the performance and management of the Microsoft which in turn brought about the human resource issues (Chakraborty Gupta, 2010). Strategies to Improve Employee Motivation and Retention at Microsoft When Brummel assumed office, she made reforms in the communication system of Microsoft. She introduced a system that encouraged and facilitated a smooth communication system in the organization both up and down vertical communication and also the horizontal communication. She introduced various programs such as the listening tour,' where she moved from one town to the other to get have the opinions and voices of the workers especially the junior staff. The improved communication system made it easy for the organizations management to hear the grievances of the employees and thus make efforts to sort them out. Also, the improved communication system gave the management an opportunity to have the opinions and the ideas that the company can embrace for its betterment. Additionally, a good communication system helps to improve the employee motivation (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, 2008). Workers get a sense of belonging to the organization when their views are heard and acted upon. Thus, this is one of the aspects that motivated the employees to make them more productive, which in turn increases the profitability of the organization (Cullinan, Bline, Farrar Lowe,2008). For a long time since its establishment, Microsoft has had a forced curve system which entailed ranking the employees and awarding those on top only. The forced curve system' had issues related to bias. It was subject to biases and thus, many employees felt the unfairness in the system which reduced their motivation to work for the organization. The approach denied the workers an opportunity for equal access and their rights to get the incentives or appraisals. The discrimination that exists in the method is also one of the factors that made the African American employees go to court to sue the company. Naturally, all the human beings feel good and motivated when their efforts are recognized. Brummel introduced reforms in the appraisal system from the forced ranking system to the commitment performance. The new approach eliminated the chances of bias in the appraisal system. The system does not restrict the number of people who have the opportunity to be rewarded and makes everyone a possible candidate for the reward (Incomes Data Services, 2008). Thus, it increases the equality in the systems, and some workers do not feel discriminated by the system. Therefore, the reform of the appraisal system played a critical role in ensuring that all the employees are motivated and stay willing to continue working for the organization (SUFF, 2010). Microsoft made radical changes in the employee benefits as a way to curb its related issues. Some of these changes in the benefits include the inclusion in food availability, transport, child care, health benefits and other essential discounts. These benefits played a critical role in impressing the employees to get their commitment and motivation once again. The benefits made most of the employees to find working at Microsoft to be one of the best experiences and thus felt comfortable to continue working at the place (Chakraborty, 2010). Workers always feel to belong to the place and part of the organization when they receive the benefits from the company. Thus, employee benefits re critical for every business organization that seeks success. The initial state did not sufficiently consider the motivating the employees through a better motivation plan, and thus, the new approach was likely to impact positively to the motivation of the workers. It also gave Microsoft an opportunity to offer competitive salaries and benefits like other organizations. The employee benefits are one of the major employee motivation factors (Janas, 2009). An employee who receives sufficient remuneration and benefits are comfortable and have a peace of mind they are much productive. Therefore, the employee benefits reformations played a critical role in motivating and retaining the employees. Workplace Setup Microsoft introduced a new setup of the workplace as a way to make the workers feel comfortable within the working environment. The approach was creative and was one of the better ways to address the human resource issues that the organization was facing. The new creative workplace encouraged the more communication among the workers. It made the employees work from close positions which helped them to build a team which is productive to the company. This method encourages the unity and corporation of the team (Taylor, 2008). Besides, it promotes a comfortable working environment, thus increases the productivity of the workers. The introduction of the creative office setups was initially seen irrelevant and a waste of resources, however, this was not the case. The workplace environment encouraged the employees to work together and made all of them feel valuable to the organization. This was a big step towards achieving the employee motivation and retention. Besides, the new setup made the employees of Microsoft learn how to trust each other, and increase their bonding at the workplace. Thus, the new workplace designed played an important role in motivating and retaining the employees. Recommendations In as much as Microsoft is performing well towards achieving a better human resource system, there are various aspects the company should continue to focus upon as a way to motivate and retain the employees further. Firstly, there is need to adopt training and development. Employee training is one of the critical aspects that help the employees to feel comfortable and motivated to work for the organization. Workers always want growth of their knowledge and skills. The employees view companies that provide training and development programs to be the better employers who encourage their career growth in their life. Thus, it is critical for Microsoft to come up with a program that makes all the employees receive the training and development in their various job position. Secondly, it is also recommended that Microsoft integrates the best HR practices into its culture. The organizational culture is one of the most powerful aspects that help to implement the company's best practices effectively. Besides, it is also a right approach towards integrating and educating the people about the new reforms. Thus, capitalizing on the organizational culture is likely to yield more in the implementation of the changes. In its culture, Microsoft should discourage the toughness and harshness of the junior staff towards the senior ones in the company. This will relieve the workers from stress and make them more productive due to comfortable working terms. Therefore, the integration of the best HR practices into the organizational culture will be the best approach towards solving issues in the HR system of Microsoft. Conclusion In conclusion, it is clear that employee motivation and retention is one of the critical aspects the human resource of every company must embrace. Motivated employees are more productive than those who are not. Thus, this directly translates to the increased profitability of the company, which in turn gives the company a greater competitive advantage over others in the industry. There are various employee motivation and retention strategies that companies are embracing. These approaches revolve around communication, the employee remuneration, the workplace among others. It is recommended that companies also embrace training and development of the course. The best approach to implement these HR practices that encourage employee motivation and retention is through integration into the corporate culture. 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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Day The Devil Struck Heaven Essay free essay sample

, Research Paper The Day The Devil Struck HeavenIt was a skittish dark. The shutters slammed, the Lightning cracked, everything was awful. Satin had risen from the dead for the concluding show down to seek to interrupt the pearly Gatess of Eden that stop him from raising every angel. Satin and his crew of Devil # 8217 ; s began their fly through the sky towards heaven to occupy Eden. In Eden, God was in supplication and all of the angel # 8217 ; s were fixing for Christmas. All through the Eden # 8217 ; s, non one Angel was found non working at all. God felt that Satin had come for another onslaught, and knew all about it, he was prepared. Satin strategically placed the warlords and ready for the foray. They held axe and lance, holding every purpose to destruct all the angels of the Heaven # 8217 ; s. The warrior # 8217 ; s had a mass meeting and got fire in their beastly liquors ready to contend to the decease. We will write a custom essay sample on The Day The Devil Struck Heaven Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page God was in a deep supplication and the angels thought something was incorrect. They asked God, and God said to travel throughout the land and state all that the Devil is about to assail. The angel # 8217 ; s went and rose as many psyches as they could, while God sought the hereafter. He new that is traveling to go on, and he wasn # 8217 ; t certain when. God had all the angel # 8217 ; s travel into the liquors of everyone and have so bow and pray in soundless supplication. Christmas Eve was upon them and Christ was traveling to hold his birthday, but the Devil and his fast ones to kill all of the angels would shortly botch it. What the Satan didn # 8217 ; T know was that it was impossible to kill an angel, for an angel couldn’t kill a Satan. An angel would reassure the devil’s aggressors and so would turn them from dark to visible radiation. No other animals had this power but the pure angel’s, and Christ. Jesus was the Right manus of God, the Godhead warrior. He was killed for others, and so made others see God. He could be anyplace at anytime in any location with anyone. Merely 2 angel # 8217 ; s had the power to turn Satin back to God, and would maintain him as an angel. God would watch and when the full Warrior s of Satin were turned to the visible radiation, Christ would come down and turn the Satan into an angel. The warrior # 8217 ; s attacked in a full breach and the angels were ready. One by one, the warriors were turned into angels, and flown earlier God to be given the cognition and the power it took to be an angel. Casualties for the Devil were about to a maximal and no angel was hurt. Then the Satan saw that he couldn # 8217 ; t win, so he raised his fist in torment, smashed it into the land, and turned to lapidate. Christ revealed the three to the Devil, so fed him the Holy sacrament and made him an angel. That is what happens when you try to win against God. God would neer worry about anyone once more. Still some warrior # 8217 ; s were lost in the hayfields of snake pit, but Christ went back to Earth, preached, and died for our wickednesss. But this clip died from natural decease, salvaging the universe from wickedness, so that none would transgress no more.The End