Friday, December 27, 2019

The Image Of Nursing - 1280 Words

The Image of Nursing Nurses has created a particular image on society and within their profession realm, that depicts them as quite a unique individual, specializing in delivery of quality, compassionate and caring care that is so unique in a meaningful way. With the media involved, the images, both reflect and reinforce the social aspect of nursing throughout the continuum of care. This essay will seek to explore common and complexed images of nursing and tell a story of how those images can play a part in the reflecting and the various status of the nursing we know today. Images left on our patients In the hospital settings, patients see the nurse as that caring person who sits and hold that baby in a cradling position as if they were†¦show more content†¦The media did not do any justice in depicting stories about the values of the nurse, yet alone the integrity, until the CAN ( The Center of nursing advocacy, 2007) decided to enlist a program where nurses were honored and rewarded for outstanding achievement in care. From the advent of the introduction of improved curriculum to now include the highest level of achievement for nursing, the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), where nurses can not only write prescriptions and treat independently, but can advance to research, enabling better evidence based practices (Andrews l. D., 2007). The patients appears, from various studies, to be more apt to follow instructions from the nurse over the doctor, as they see the nurse as giving a more personalized treatment, and a working relationship, exten ds far out from being a patient in the hospital, to home care services where they are happy to receive quality care in the comfort of their own home. The Friendly Face of Nursing Although, today, there are many male nurses, the overwhelming site of a nurse, is that smiling female who seems to care so much about your comfort. The friendliness in which she asks â€Å"how are you today Ms Job†? The peace of mind seen on the patient’s face, tells that the joy of that closeness has certainly formed a bond (Johnson Johnson, 2007). The nurse in the home care setting, becomes more personalized; the patient sees him/her onShow MoreRelatedNursing Image and Media1449 Words   |  6 PagesNursing the Silent Profession and Media’s influence The nursing image has become a major issue in the society as people have different perception about nursing. Some believe that nurses do their duties out of kindness. This has influenced the nursing image as most people do not see nursing as a good profession. Only few people in the society see nursing as an important profession and consider the qualification of the nurses (Younge amp; Niekerk, 2004). This has led to shortage of nurses in theRead MoreThe Image of Nursing Essay1614 Words   |  7 PagesNursing is basically a scientific profession with a widespread vision, where nurses care for the physical needs of the people at the same time satisfies their emotional, psychological, and intellectual as well as social and spiritual demands. 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